


C/ Acacias 25
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcon

Número Factura 2024000196
Factura de fecha 10/09/2024
Fecha de vencimiento 10/09/2024
Importe total 2,481.82 €
Dogus Otomotiv Servis ve Tic, A.S.

Dogus center Maslak Mh.G-45
Ahi Evran Polaris Cd. Nº 4
Maslak - Istambul.
Dogus Logistics Center
Şekerpınar Mahallesi, Anadolu Cad. Nº 45
CD 41420 Çayirova / Kocaeli
Contact: Yunus Yilmaz +905336592723

Uds Referencia PrecioSub Total
2 RF00328 Playseat® formula E Cupra

gaming seat, brand playseat, F1 CUPRA model, abs (2 packages) Referencen RF00328
Tariff number 940171 - Country of origin: Spain

I declare that the goods indicated in the invoice are not included in CE 428/2009 European Council appendices (and
its updates), and are not intended for dual-use technology or any other military use under any circumstances.

I declare that the materials shipped are not governed by the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endan-
gered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora as well as in the attached list of R / CE 338/1997 and its latest amendments.

I declare that I understand that the service only includes permanent export, and does not include temporary exports.

990.91 €1,981.82 €
1 SHIPMENT by Ontime (Don't incluide DUA Export and Local Taxes . incoterm DAP 500.00 €500.00 €
Sub Total 2,481.82 €
IVA 0.00 €
Importe total 2,481.82 €

ES81 2100 1584 2802 0017 2428